Planet Earth series is an extraordinary natural history documentary that I found out while I was searching some information for work on IMDB... I sent its link to my friend Baris and said "wow, I've never seen something with this much high rating." He said "oh yes, it is a great work, in fact I was planning to have it on DVD so I am going to order it immediately"... And he did... And I got it from him; I am the one who watched the whole series in several days before the DVD's owner, Baris...
Oh, yes!... And wow!!! Everyone on this planet should watch it... This documentary series has a great photography, yet better content and intentions... It shows you -once again- that the nature is just so perfect... Mother earth has its magics, and its own fine ways to deliver it to any species that lives on this very small yet very rich planet...
Series gets you into the animal and nature world... And see earth and even life from their eyes... The sympathy you feel is unbelievably real and powerful that that shakes you strongly to see how we, human beings, are the most dangerous species on this planet; how we are playing with our future recklessly; how everything losing its balance with an acceleration and almost about to reach to the point that will be no turning back... Even though we are supposed to be the smartest ones, we are destroying the earth!... Soon there won't be a ground to live on for us as it happened to polar bears...
Planet Earth has shown me the animals I have never seen or heard before... Or the things some animals do... For example, Have you ever seen a great white shark, with a seal in its big mouth above 30 meter of the sea surface? It is an amazing scene to witness how that big fish manages to get out of an ocean. Have you known that there is one kind of camels, wild camels, that can smell human beings from 3-4 miles away and never lets them to get closer, so maybe the planet earth cameraman's and their local guide is the couple of people who had a chance to see them alive and this close... Have you ever known that there is a cat, snow leopard, lives in one of the harshest environments and about to extinct? There are tons of realities, awe-inspiring animals and nature conditions to learn about...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
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